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bismuth oxide中文是什么意思

用"bismuth oxide"造句"bismuth oxide"怎么读"bismuth oxide" in a sentence


  • 三氧化二铋
  • 五氧化二铋
  • 氧化铋


  • Sequential determination of cu , pb , fe , cd and ni in bismuth and bismuth oxide by atomic absorption spectrometry
  • The results indicated that the sample was spheroidic nanometer particles and solid - phase method was better in preparation nanometer bismuth oxide
  • Chapter 5 preparation and characterization of nanometer bismuth oxide nanometer bi2o3 was prepared by both solid - phase method and nitrate hydrolyzation method
  • Square resistance of bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based thick films was near - linear increased and tcr of bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based thick films was near - linear decreased with increase of content of ag . the electric conduction model of bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based thick films was formed . bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based thick film is actually conductive with lead and bismuth oxide , the main factors on the properties of thick film is the electric resistance and contact resistance of conductive particulates ; the electric conduction model of ag - bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based thick film : the general structure of conductive network is constructed by conductance chain of ag and is submerged into bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3 based conductive ceram
    本文认为: bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3厚膜电阻是一种掺有铅、铋氧化物的导电陶瓷烧结体,影响厚膜电阻导电性能的主要因素是导电颗粒自身电阻与颗粒间接触电阻;厚膜电阻掺银后的导电微观结构是由许多微小串联或并联的ag颗粒组成的导电链构成的结构复杂的多维导电网络,此导电网络被“淹没”在bapb _ ( 1 - x ) bi _ xo _ 3导电烧结体中。
用"bismuth oxide"造句  


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